Can You Eat Crescent Rolls That Has Expired 2 Months Ago?

Crescent rolls are a delicious and versatile pastry that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

They are also a convenient food to have on hand, as they can be stored in the refrigerator for quite some time.

But what happens if you find a can of crescent rolls in your pantry that has expired two months ago? 

Are they still safe to eat?

In this article, we will discuss the safety of eating crescent rolls that have expired two months ago. We will also provide some tips on how to tell if crescent rolls are bad.

How Long Does Opened And Unopened Crescent Rolls Last In The Fridge?

Unopened and canned, crescent rolls can happily sit in your refrigerator for up to 3 months. 

These doughy delights don’t just stop at the fridge – you can also tuck them away in your freezer for an extended stay, sometimes even surpassing their printed shelf life.

Once opened, these crescent rolls should be consumed within 2 to 5 days if stored in the refrigerator. If frozen, they can still retain their quality for about 2 to 3 months. 

It’s worth noting that the ‘expiration’ date listed on the packaging is often more of a ‘best by’ date. 

This suggests that while the products might lose a bit of freshness and quality post this date, they are usually safe to consume. 

In fact, it may surprise you that some can be eaten even two months past this date especially when they have been stored frozen.

Regardless of dates, always make it a practice to check for any signs indicating spoilage before consumption.

Want to give your unopened crescent rolls a longer shelf life? 

Try freezing them! 

They can comfortably chill in your freezer for up to a whopping 12 months as long as they are properly stored.

To do so,

  • Wrap them snugly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before placing them into a freezer-safe bag or container.
  • Label them with the freeze date and aim to use them within one year.
  • When ready, thaw overnight in your refrigerator or leave it out on the counter for several hours.
  • Once defrosted, bake as per usual and enjoy your deliciously fresh crescent rolls!

What Happens If You Eat Expired Crescent Rolls?

It’s quite common to find a forgotten tube of crescent rolls languishing in the depths of your kitchen cupboard, only to realize it has gone past its expiration date. 

This immediately sparks the question: can you still use them?

The term “expiration date” on many food items, including crescent rolls, is often a misnomer, as we have outlined above. 

What you’ll typically find is a “best before” or “use by” date, which is essentially an advisory for peak quality – not safety.

So, can you eat expired crescent rolls? 

The answer isn’t as cut-and-dry as you might think.

In theory, yes. 

As long as the crescent rolls don’t exhibit signs of mold or spoilage and have been stored properly (in a cool, dry place), they can be consumed without any serious safety concerns. 

But will they be as delicious? 

That’s another story.

Expired crescent rolls may lose their freshness over time: the texture may not be as flaky and the flavor not as robust as a recent batch. 

It’s more about diminished quality than actual harm.

That being said, it’s always prudent to adhere to the advised dates or consume them sooner than later for optimal taste and texture. 

When in doubt, trust your senses: if something seems off with your old crescent rolls, it’s safer and smarter to throw them out.

How To Tell If Crescent Rolls Are Bad?

Just like any other food item, crescent rolls can certainly go bad. 

But how do you determine if that neglected dough hiding in your fridge has crossed the threshold from safe to spoil? 

Here’s a quick rundown:


The first sign of spoilage often lies in the crescent roll’s color. 

Healthy dough typically has a light, fresh color. 

If your crescent rolls have started to darken, turning notably brown or exhibiting spots, then they’re likely on their way out. 

In canned products, watch for any bulging – a clear red flag indicating that the dough has continued to rise and may be spoiled.


Trust your nose. 

Crescent rolls that are past their prime will emit an off-putting aroma. 

Sour or musty smells are a definitive sign of deterioration.


Fresh crescent roll dough is soft and pliable; it’s not sticky or slimy. 

If it leaves a residue on your hand or feels unusually slick, then it’s time to toss it out.


This should be your last resort test – we don’t recommend eating questionable food! 

But for argument’s sake, spoiled crescent rolls may taste bitter or sour.

If your crescent rolls show any of these signs of decay, play it safe rather than sorry – discard them. 

Consuming moldy or deteriorated food can lead to foodborne illnesses which are better avoided.

How Long Is Pillsbury Dough Good For After Expiration? And How Long Does It Last And Where Is The Expiration Date?

Unopened Pillsbury dough’s longevity largely depends on how it’s stored.

It can stay good for several weeks past its listed expiration date when refrigerated, and its lifespan can be stretched even further – up to a year – when stored in the freezer. 

Speaking of the expiration date, where do you actually find that on your Pillsbury dough package? 

Rest assured, it is there – typically printed somewhere on the packaging itself. 

You may find it on the side or bottom of those classic pop-open cans or at the back of the bag if it comes in one.

The format of this date usually follows a “MM/DD/YY” or “MM/DD/YYYY” notation. 

For instance, an expiration date marked as “07/15/2023” indicates that your dough will be at its best quality if used before July 15th, 2023.

Remember though that this is a ‘best by’ date. While your dough may last beyond this point, its quality in terms of taste and texture might not be quite as stellar.