Are Canned Peaches Good for You?

For many, the allure of peaches doesn’t fade when their peak season closes. 

Thanks to canned peaches, this delightful fruit can be enjoyed all around the year. 

Not only do they offer a cost-effective and handy alternative to their fresh counterparts but also they can pack an unexpected nutritional punch.

In this article, we will dive deep into what canned peaches bring to your plate nutritionally. 

We will weigh the advantages and potential setbacks of incorporating canned peaches into your diet. 

Furthermore, we’ll guide you through selecting and preparing canned peaches to ensure that you’re making the most out of these preserved wonders.

What Are The Benefits Of Eating Canned Peaches?

Often undermined by their fresh counterparts, canned peaches are more than meets the eye. 

Apart from being conveniently available all year long, canned peaches pack quite a punch in terms of health perks.

Canned peaches usually contain more than 11% of the daily value of vitamin C, the body’s healing maestro and immune system booster. 

Vitamin C not only helps your body heal wounds but also keeps your immune system running full steam ahead.

Additionally, canned peaches are an excellent source of an antioxidant dubbed beta-carotene. 

Not familiar with this nutrient? 

Well, it plays an indispensable role in maintaining healthy vision. 

So when you fish out that can of peaches from your pantry, remember you’re not just indulging your sweet tooth but taking care of your eyes too!

Let’s talk about gut health too. 

These sweet and tangy treats come loaded with dietary fibers that ensure smooth digestion and prevent constipation. 

Plus, they’re low on calories – perfect for those watching their intake.

The goodness doesn’t stop there: canned peaches carry a hefty dose of potassium as well! 

This mineral is crucial for bone health and can help lower the chances of bone loss.

In a nutshell, swapping fresh peaches for canned ones once in a while might not be such a bad idea after all. 

1 Cup Canned Peaches Nutrition

A single cup (248g) of canned peaches, packed in heavy syrup, clocks in at 160 calories. 

Despite being relatively low in fat (0.4g), they’re no dietary wallflower when it comes to carbohydrates (40.9g) and sugars (32.5g). 

That’s a pretty sweet punch for peach lovers!

What about fiber, you ask?

A cup of these syrupy gems provides 2.7g of dietary fiber. Not too shabby for something so deliciously satisfying!

Getting into the realm of vitamins and minerals, our canned friends serve up a variety of healthful compounds, albeit in modest amounts. 

You’ll find Vitamin A (8% DV), Vitamin C (2% DV), Potassium (4% DV), and Iron (3% DV). Surprisingly, they also provide a decent portion of Vitamin E – 18% of your daily value!

Last but not least, these sweet treats stash away a sneaky 3% of your daily Riboflavin needs and a humble 1% Calcium.

Bear in mind that these nutritional facts can vary based on the type of syrup used to preserve the peachy goodness. 

Remember to always keep an eye on your overall sugar intake—moderation is key! 

Are Canned Peaches The Same As Fresh?

The nutritional profile of canned peaches mirrors that of fresh peaches quite closely. 

Comparative research has revealed that canned peaches may in fact not be the underdog when it comes to nutritional value. 

They have been found to contain similar – if not more – available vitamin C, vitamin A and folate than fresh peaches.

How can this be? 

Well, the canning process of peaches involves breaking down the cell walls of the fruit. 

This particular shift in structure makes these nutrients easier for your body to absorb, turning canned peaches into a hidden treasure trove of readily available vitamins.

However, on paper, fresh peaches may still hold higher (or at least similar) numerical values for these nutrients. The vitamin E content also remains consistent across both forms. 

But, here’s another interesting peachy fact: Fresh peaches have a greater susceptibility to nutrient loss than their canned equivalent. 

This is because fresh produce continues to respire after harvesting, which leads to breakdowns in stored organic materials and ultimately results in nutrient depletion.

In contrast, canned peaches are able to retain their nutrient profile more effectively as long as they are kept sealed and stored properly. 

What Are The Drawbacks Of Canned Peaches?

Quite often, canned peaches can be hidden sugar traps; they are packed in heavy syrup – a viscous enemy that bolsters the fruit’s sugar and calorie content. 

This sweetened disguise can potentially increase your risk of weight gain, diabetes and even tooth decay if consumed without restraint.

The story does not end with added sugars alone. 

Some canned peaches play host to preservatives or additives that can impact their quality and safety quotient – a considerable trade-off for convenience and year-long availability. 

Notably, some cans could be lined with bisphenol A (BPA) – an unwelcome guest known for its hormone-disrupting activities once it leaches into the food.

While canned peaches offer ease and accessibility, it’s vital to consider these factors when reaching for your next jar. 

Opt for brands that use natural fruit juice instead of syrup, and also ones committed to BPA-free packaging.

Are Canned Peaches Raw Or Cooked?

Canned peaches are actually cooked — twice, to be exact!

Unlike fresh peaches that we bake, poach or grill, canned peaches undergo a different (first) cooking method known as blanching. 

This process entails briefly boiling the peaches in water before removing their skins and packing them neatly into cans. 

Blanching plays several critical roles; it helps retain the color, flavor and texture of the peaches while expelling any oxygen that may lead to quicker nutrient loss and spoilage.

But that’s not where the cooking process ends. 

Once packed in their cans, these peaches are subjected to another round of heat either in a water bath canner or a pressure canner. 

Now you might wonder, why? 

Well, this crucial phase is about ensuring food safety. 

It exterminates any potentially harmful bacteria or microorganisms lingering inside the cans while also creating a vacuum seal that blocks any air or moisture from sneaking its way in.

How Do You Eat Canned Peaches?

Straight Outta The Can

If you’re in a snacky mood, reach no further than your canned peaches. 

Feel free to enjoy them straight from the can – simply drain the syrup or juice, give them a rinse if you’re watching your sugar intake, or opt for cans packed in light syrup, water, or juice for a healthier choice right off the bat.

But what about that syrup? 

Don’t pour it down the drain! 

Instead, consider using it as a sweetener in your favorite beverages or baking recipes. A little peachy sweetness can bring an unexpected twist to your everyday cooking.


Inspire your breakfast routine by chopping up those canned peaches and adding them to either cereal or yogurt. It’s an easy way to jazz up a simple meal while adding some fruit into your diet.


Feel like getting creative with drinks? 

Blend these canned jewels into a smoothie for a cool summer refreshment or churn up some peach-infused milkshake for a creamy delight that screams indulgence.


Don’t forget about the desert too! 

These peaches are ready-to-use ingredients for pies, cobblers and cakes. 

Their syrupy goodness lends itself perfectly to baked desserts where their soft texture and sweet flavor shine brightly.

Quick Roast

Want something warm and smoky? 

Try heating up these canned peaches on a grill or in an oven. With this quick trick, the natural sugars caramelize and lend a smoky flavor that’ll have everyone asking for seconds.